How do you find new pipes?

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Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2011
I've seen some really cool looking pipes from some of the members of this forum and I was curious where you do your shopping. I've been keeping an eye on all the sponsors and ebay but you guys come up with some seriously cool stuff. Is it B&M or do you just have some google search phrases that really work well? Also, is there a guide somewhere on pricing? I'm kind of leary about estate pipes because I really have no idea what they're actually worth. Thanks.



Jun 25, 2011
cleveland NC
i was going to say Lonestar but he beat me to it also be on the look out for when Uncle puts a groupe of his for sale I have also bought at my B&M its all a matter of when PAD hits and the wallet allows



Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2011
From all the positive comments I'd really like to get an Uncle A. But he hasn't posted anything for sale since I joined a few weeks ago. I'd rather support local artisans than bigger companies (although I'll still keep buying those too). I've got a tentative meeting set up with Bob Gilbert next month when I'm home because he's pretty close to me. I'm pretty excited about that.



Jun 2, 2010
Yeah my pipes tend to find me as well. I like to look at pipes weather its in a B&M, on line or at a pipe show. Sooner or later one of them reaches out and grabs a hold of me and that's that.



Sep 1, 2011
I got my first two pipes from my local tobacco shop. My third pipe is suppose to be delivered tomorrow! I ordered it from along with some other goodies! The first two I just liked how they felt in my hand.

Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
Hey there kami... New pipes find me also. Some kind of cosmic briar empathy goin' on around here from the sounds of it eh?.

As for estates and pricing, patience.

By doing what you've been doing, trolling all the vendors, watching eBay, asking questions and patience, you'll soon start to garner an idea of what a given pipe would be worth to ya.

Bulk of my heard is from the 'bay and overall I've done well.



Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2011
I'm looking at right now...this could be a costly venture :) Thanks Lawrence for the req on that, I don't know how I've missed that list so many times. And Older...I'm a very impatient person ;) I even broke down and ordered a couple of cheaper and more durable looking pipes for out here as well as my first viginia and burly tins (macbarren I think (it was cheap and got good reviews)). Hopefully they'll be here in a week or so. Couldn't make it until November to fire one up :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2010
Following the white rabbit
With the exception of the one I purchased from Uncle Arthur, I buy all of my pipes in person. Walk into the shop, look around, shoot the bull a bit with whomever is there, find one that jumps up and seems to want to follow me home, and buy it.



Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2011
Thanks olderthandirt. some of the descriptions on Pulvers are hilarious:

I'm in a bad mood and that is going to effect this description, so

take that into account. This pipe is a good example of how to

take a good hunk of briar and prove your carving

incompetence, and I'm not even referring to the ugli shape and

senseless nodule (is it a result of the pipe carver's

subconscious need to confess, or complain, to the world that

he is walking around with a 1" dick?). No, I'm talking more

specifically about the horrendously uneven, out of round,

chamber rim. That's why I'm not showing a top shot of the bowl.

I don't want to queer a possible sale. Oh yes, the draw is a bit

difficult, too. Here's the kicker, this thing is list priced at $180.

I'd be ashamed of myself. One more thing I just noticed. It has

a flat bottom and doesn't sit up. This is not helping my mood.

6.4" long, bowl 2.5" tall. Weight: 4 oz., 115 grams. New. $65



Jun 28, 2011
I look online to find a few pipes and if possible I will find a B&M that has them. I like to hold a pipe and look at it in person. I'll narrow it down to the one I like best. I'm really picky about choosing a new pipe. Although, I have bought 2 or 3 online.



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
Perhaps it's also related to PAD. For example, this evening I was looking over the latest newsletter from, and Ted Swearingen had written about their latest acquisitions. He specifically singled out Sebastian Beo, stating that it was great value for a low price, and that he had just acquired his first one. I looked at the pipes, and my eye was immediately drawn to a beautiful acorn, (already removed from the site, but its twin can be found under sku 002-494-0131.) It was love at first sight, and before I knew it, I had entered the ordering information and in a few days I'll have my pipe. Now, that's not an estate pipe, but I've done that before, too. For example, a short while ago I happened to be browsing eBay, and saw a bunch of estates for sale--about 8 of them, for a reasonable price. They included GBDs, a Comoy, and --here's what attracted my attention to them: there were a couple of Diebels in the lot. Now Fred Diebel introduced me to pipe smoking over 50 years ago, at his shop on Wornall Road in Kansas City's Plaza shopping district. He sent me pipes and tobacco while I was in Vietnam, and I've often thought fondly of him. In fact, I'm planning a blog about him. At any rate, knowing something about Diebel pipes, I bought the lot, and when they arrived, they were in about as rough condition as the photo on eBay had indicated. But that's ok--the price was absurdly low, I had a pretty good idea what I would be getting. As soon as I get them organized, I'll be shipping them off to Walker Briar Works for repair, cleaning, disinfecting, etc., etc. and I should get at least 2 or 3 good smokers out of the batch.

So, Kamikaze, that answers your question in part. Don't be afraid of an estate pipe. Just remember that its a euphemism for "used," but that sounds too grotty. A used pipe can be sanitized, cleaned, polished, and treated so that it'll smoke just like new. You needn't worry about catching any strange diseases. And the reputable dealers,, to name one commercial enterprise, will clean and treat any estate pipe so that you know it will be in optimal smoking condition. Many of the individuals on this forum will do the same.

The bottom line--if a particular pipe is whispering your name ever so softly, and you can afford it, then go for it. You'll love the pipe, and it will give you years of smoking pleasure.




Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
Definitely vendors on this place, and have been folks I've used recently with no disappointments (estate or new). I'll take a chance every once in a while on Ebay, but I typically like to stay with known vendors. Each of the major pipe forum sites, like this one, have trade/sale forums, those are always good to peruse as well.

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