I have odd thoughts here, and these are only my opinion...
Snuff tubes and pipes have been found archaeologically dating back 10,000+ years. Because the odds that we found the first pipe and snuff tube ever made by man run roughly 0.0%, we may ascertain that humans have been using tobacco for tens of thousands of years. Because it's been so graciously perpetuated generation after generation, we may assume a certain level of safety, in that no society has every died out due to smoking. The same lasting impact won't hold true for, say, eating Tide pods, but listen to the medical doctrines at hand and you might come to think they're equally risky.
Beyond that, it's well documented that Herbert Hoover, for instance, smoked up to 30 cigars a day. He still outlived most presidents, dying in his 90s, even after having led the country through the Great Depression. The same goes for Winston Churchill, who smoked like a freight train and drank like a fish, but still lived a long life after leading one of the most stressful lives of the 20th century.
Andrew Jackson lived until his '70s, despite being sliced with a British sword as a kid being stabbed multiple times, shot multiple times, leading soldiers into battle in his 40s, then running the country for 8 years in his 60s. When he spoke with a doctor about his health issues, he said the only things he could never give up or coffee and tobacco. He was such a prolific tobacco user that he installed spit buckets in the white house, on top of the cigars he smoked and the pipes he smoked.
I could go on, but the returns would diminish. In short... I believe health is a lifestyle rather than a checklist. No one thing is going to kill you unless it's an event, rather than a habit. (Plane crash, car crash, etc.) Me, I exercise regularly, I don't eat fast food, I don't sip on corn syrup, I eat plenty of veggies, and I try to be sure I get the sleep that my body craves. If my pipe does me in despite all that, then I was already fucked.