Tomorrow is my youngest son’s birthday.
And Rod Gates of Jordan will be at a funeral I’m attending in Warsaw.
If he’s not too busy, I plan to take him with me to have Rod Gates of Jordan explain the Irish Rebel song My Little Aramalite.
Rod Gates of Jordan carried an Armalite for two tours of duty in Southeast Asia as the point man for a Special Operations Group Squadron in 1969 and 1970.
He earned Two Siver Stars and no Purple Hearts.
And unlike me my son is 31 years old and that funeral is sure and certain to have lots of eye candy for a young man his age.
We’uns was Scottish not Irish.
But we do appreciate the good Irish ballads.
And Rod Gates of Jordan will be at a funeral I’m attending in Warsaw.
If he’s not too busy, I plan to take him with me to have Rod Gates of Jordan explain the Irish Rebel song My Little Aramalite.
Rod Gates of Jordan carried an Armalite for two tours of duty in Southeast Asia as the point man for a Special Operations Group Squadron in 1969 and 1970.
He earned Two Siver Stars and no Purple Hearts.
And unlike me my son is 31 years old and that funeral is sure and certain to have lots of eye candy for a young man his age.
We’uns was Scottish not Irish.
But we do appreciate the good Irish ballads.