My dad was my role model, and he smoked Granger for fifty years. Instead, I stuck with an aromatic or two from Tinder Box, probably 1-Q renamed and another similar aro not bought for a year or two later. I wasn't a daily smoker, and the tobacco was pleasant, except for some aftertaste. I wasn't ambitious about sampling to say the least. I had a long hiatus from pipe smoking in solidarity with my late wife quitting cigarettes. Only in the past eight years or so have I gotten promiscuous with blends, and since I'm a moderate smoker, this is a slow process, but I've tried probably about sixty by now, but all somewhat randomly. I've focused on non-aromatics, but came back to aromatics a little, and on stronger blends, but also include mild blends now. I'm extra easygoing about it. It's not a quest. I browse; I graze; I invite my spirit. Cosmic, I do admire your feisty friend, and especially your part in looking after him. It requires real perspective and patience, not to mention insight and imagination, to see beyond his cranky veneer. I had an amazing very elderly friend, a retired orchardman from the Syracuse area who, as a child, had seen Teddy Roosevelt in person; it was a great experience knowing him, and I still tell his stories.