While visiting family out of town, and low on tobacco I packed with me...I stopped at a cigar store that had some Sutliff aro blends....one was marked Vanilla Royale, and the other Spiced Rum...the proprietor evidently bought it in bulk, weighed out 2 oz. portions and bagged it.
I knew it would be PG laden, but tried to dry them enough to smoke, which I thought I did: had two bowls and I'm sitting here this morn, with a raw tongue, roof of mouth, etc. I haved smoked pipes off and on for a long time, and there was some flavor, and the tobacco was packed loosely, and I did not freight train puff it, and the smoke did not feel hot...but yet my mouth is not happy!
Now it's wrapped loosely in tin foil, in a 300 degree oven, and I just opened the door to let air get to it and hopefully dry it more....I feel like I wasted my money. The only aros I get along with recently are RLP6, and Nutty Irishman. Pure light burleys with some added flavor, seem to fit the bill best. I have been smoking Stubb's Pipe and Deluxe crumb cut from Ernie Q, which are quite easy on my tongue and mouth and pleasant...just wish there was a tad more sweetness and a tad less nicotine.
The trouble I find when reading tobacco descriptions, is with the the term cavendish. Is it made from virginias or burleys?
So I just checked it again, and will try smoking some after my mouth recovers....it now is pliable, and does not clump, but it seems , it could go another round to get it drier ( will this help?), before the crumble apart stage....Will report back if this makes a difference.
Please, share your experiences, if similar, and methods to help this atrocity, plus, any other light burley based value blends with some added sweetness.
Much appreciated. Helpful feedback needed.
I knew it would be PG laden, but tried to dry them enough to smoke, which I thought I did: had two bowls and I'm sitting here this morn, with a raw tongue, roof of mouth, etc. I haved smoked pipes off and on for a long time, and there was some flavor, and the tobacco was packed loosely, and I did not freight train puff it, and the smoke did not feel hot...but yet my mouth is not happy!
Now it's wrapped loosely in tin foil, in a 300 degree oven, and I just opened the door to let air get to it and hopefully dry it more....I feel like I wasted my money. The only aros I get along with recently are RLP6, and Nutty Irishman. Pure light burleys with some added flavor, seem to fit the bill best. I have been smoking Stubb's Pipe and Deluxe crumb cut from Ernie Q, which are quite easy on my tongue and mouth and pleasant...just wish there was a tad more sweetness and a tad less nicotine.
The trouble I find when reading tobacco descriptions, is with the the term cavendish. Is it made from virginias or burleys?
So I just checked it again, and will try smoking some after my mouth recovers....it now is pliable, and does not clump, but it seems , it could go another round to get it drier ( will this help?), before the crumble apart stage....Will report back if this makes a difference.
Please, share your experiences, if similar, and methods to help this atrocity, plus, any other light burley based value blends with some added sweetness.
Much appreciated. Helpful feedback needed.