Ok, I’m going to differ from the rest here. Surprise, surprise.
I am usually the ambassador of drying tobacco. But, the moisture content of the tobacco won’t have any bearing on tge heat of the actual bowl. Drying your tobacco only affects whether the smoke contains steam, making the smoke burn your tongue more or less.
I bet you think you are smoking as slow as you can. I’ve been there. I know. “How can I smoke any slower?”
Once you get the pipe going, just clench it and forget about it. Don’t puff, or take long draws. Just let it hang and breath through your nose. Maybe read a book or get your mind off of having a pipe hanging out of you mind. Just let it stay there.
What you are going for is to passively let your throat or gullet, slowly billow with every breath as you breath through your nose. This will keep a slow and steady tiny trickle of smoke moving through your mouth.
you may ask yourself, where does the smoke go? What if it goes out? Is this my house? Is this my wife?
well, stop thinking. The key to pipesmoking is the ability to just turn your damn brain off and relax.
But it might go out? Stop it!!
The only way you can tell if it has gone out is by puffing. You puff, and you’ve ruined. Ha ha.
Pipes are actually a balancing act, between keeping it lit and letting it go out. A very fine line. Get used to letting it go out in your clench, because getting it going again is the easy part.
Smoke on the verge of it going out. This is where the flavor is, keeps the pipe cool, and slows the smoke down. Maybe practice just walking around all day with an empty pipe. I keep on clenched at all times. I hunt, fish, farm, and fuck with a pipe in my clench. I am bonded with it, connected, a part of me. Some wear glasses, I smoke a pipe. It’s just second nature to me.
I once thought I smoked slow enough also. I was there. But, just when I thought I was smoking as slow as humanly possible, I slowed down more. Now my average smoking time is about an hour to an hour and a half, pending the pipe. On a road trip, I might even get a moderate bowl to last two hours. Hell, sometimes I will have a pipe clenched for hours after it’s gone out, because I lost track of time.
I would suggest to practice, but just do it. And, yes, dry your tobacco, but do that to squeeze more tobacco flavor out of the smoke and to cool the smoke on your tongue. But, smoke slow to keep that bowl cool. And, just keep that pipe clenched beyond the smoke. Just get used to clenching.
I hope this helps!