There was a recent thread about coffee flavored tobaccos and this blend was mentioned. I decided to give it a try. This blend comes from Germany and is made by Vauen. It is a blend of Burley, Black Cav & VA. Upon opening the tin the coffee aroma is so strong I thought I was next to a coffee grinder. It was quite moist in the tin so I let it dry for about 30 minutes. There was little difference between the charring light and the true light, deep coffee flavor. It was full of nice creamy smoke with the strongest coffee flavor I have encountered in a tobacco. Very nice and smooth. I wish I could report that it smoked this way to the bottom of the bowl, but that was not the case. At about the halfway point the flavor just vanished. The nice billowing smoke was still there but the flavor became so weak and bland as to be nonexistant. I have never had a blend change so dramatically during a bowl. I really liked the first half and if it had remained that way through the entire bowl, I would really recommend this. As it is, I can say that this is still worth checking out if you like coffee flavored tobacco as your results may be different than mine.