Yes hello friends, with special attention to chemists and medical professionals who may have further insight. I have been investigating for an inexpensive way to maintain a consistent humidity to store future tobaccos for long term. Please behold one of the patents for the Boveda system which I've found. Here are a few important passage:
I will experiment with various formulations and measure the the performance of each over time with a hygrometer and will post updates on this thread. If you choose to experiment with your own formulations, please post your findings here for the benefit of all.
- The present invention utilizes a Saturated aqueous Solution of a Solute Such as an edible Salt or a Sugar or another Soluble compound that inherently creates a desired relative humidity in the air Space adjacent to the humidity control device. The Solution includes a Substantial amount of water in a fluid form as a Saturated Salt Solution. The Solution further includes a gel forming material Such as analginate or Xanthan. The combination of vegetable gum, water and Salt provides a highly viscous fluid. In the present invention, the Viscous Solution is contained in a polymeric pouch.
- A Solution of Sodium chloride will provide a relative humidity at about 74%. The relative humidity measurements described herein are calculated at 70 F. If the humidity starts to fall below 74%, the salt solution gives up water to form moisture in the air until the air reaches a relative humidity of 74%. The water travels through the wall of the polymeric pouch and out through the various openings in the protective pouch case. On the other hand, if the moisture in the air around the present device rises above 74% relative humidity, the Salt Solution will pick up moisture from the air lowering the relative humidity to approximately 74%. A solution of sodium chloride with excess solid crystals of Sodium chloride will provide a relative humidity of about 74%.
- Some examples of humidity levels possible with Single and mixtures of Solutes are listed below. Some solutes that produce/maintain humidity levels in the 90% or higher range are: potassium sulfate at 97%; potassium nitrate at 92%; cesium iodide at 91%; and barium chloride at 90%. Some solutes that produce/maintain humidity levels between 80% and 89% are: potassium chloride at 84%; Sucrose at 84%; ammonium sulfate at 81%; and potassium bromide at 81%. Some Solutes that produce/maintain humidity levels between 70% and 79% are: Sodium nitrate at 74%; Sodium chloride at 74%, and strontium chloride at 71%. Some solutes that produce/maintain humidity levels between 60% and 69% are: potassium iodide at 69% and sodium nitrite at 66%. Some solutes that produce/maintain humidity levels between 50% and 59% are: sodium bromide at 58%
- The present invention provides a device for controlling the relative humidity in an environment for foods. In addition, the present invention provides extra protection against mold growth by the presence of mold inhibitors such as potassium Sorbate, Sodium propionate, Sodium benzoate, in the humidity controlling filling.
I will experiment with various formulations and measure the the performance of each over time with a hygrometer and will post updates on this thread. If you choose to experiment with your own formulations, please post your findings here for the benefit of all.