Since I'm a homebrewer (doing my 64th all-grain batch this Saturday, probably an IPA), let me point you to some sites so you don't have to buy baronsamedi's book. :nana:
For the basics, to understand what to do, go here:
Arnold Palmer sells a book but all the info is on its site. I collated it in pdf so I could send it to you.
Another site which really helped me is Tons of infos (wiki, forums, recipes, etc). You have to be a member to post but there's no need since'you have a question there's the answer on a post'. Also for cider, wine, mead and kombucha.
For the scientists out here: If you want to know how (and which) grain affects mash Ph, yeast culture and freezing (yes it can be done), decoction schedule, kraeusening, etc.
And if you're looking for something else, like lambic, England beer history, I probably have a site to suggest.