Home Blend VaPerKen Recipes Anyone?

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Can't Leave
May 22, 2022
NW Connecticut
Am relatively new to pipe smoking (about 6 mos) but have been working overtime to try as many different types and blends of tobaccos as possible since starting out. Have really come to enjoy smoking a VaPer in the mornings, and a savory Kentucky (like Mac Baren Old Dark Fired) in the evenings. Given that, have also sampled two different (what I will call) VaPerKen blends that I really enjoyed: Rattray's Brown Clunee and Savinelli Doblone D'Oro. Would like to try self-blending a bit, and was wondering if anyone might have a pet VaPerKen recipe they'd be willing to share as a starting point (incl. ingredient blends, proportions, aging recommendations)? Thanks!


Can't Leave
Aug 18, 2014
I don't have a specific blend you are asking but just a recommendation.
If your willing to get into a minor production, I recomend wholeleaftobacco.com and make the blend that is tailored specifically to your taste.

If I were to start what you are after, it would go in the way of a vaper and once you have that dialed in, add the KY in increments till you reach your golden blend.

It really is not that difficult and quite rewarding. Also check out fairtradetobacco.com that is all about tobacco producing and crafting.


Can't Leave
May 22, 2022
NW Connecticut
Thank you, Crusader. Your tip to start with the VaPer and then adding in the KY as a second step is appreciated. Right now I enjoy a VaPer in the morning, so developing my own VaPer as "Home Blend #1" will be worth it in its own right. Then adding in increasing amounts of Kentucky to get "Home Blend #2" as a more full-bodied afternoon smoke makes sense. Will also definitely check out those two websites you mentioned.


Oct 13, 2015
Brown Flake Unscented 60%
Dark Flake #7 30%
Blending Perique 10%
couple of pinches of Black & Brown
Best Brown Flake 70%
Old Dark Fired 20%
Blending Perique 10%
couple pinches of Black & Brown
Aniseed Twist 60%
Amphora Kentucky 30%
Blending Perique 10%
couple pinches of Black & Brown

after mixing the best thing to do is ‘press’ it in a vice, leaving it for a week or longer if you can. Best to start off experimenting with small amounts, 10g or so & then go from there. Good luck & let us know what you come up with.👍


Can't Leave
May 22, 2022
NW Connecticut
I do a blend like this, by weight:

Yorktown 85%

Perique 10%

DFK 5%

Sometimes I switch the proportions between the perique and dfk. It's pretty good.
Thanks for sharing. I've been thinking something along the lines of 70% Virginia as a base, with various combinations of Perique and Kentucky making up the remaining 30% (probably a bit more heavier on the Kentucky -- say 20% to start -- with 10% Perique). Will likely give something in that range a shot as a baseline and see what results...


Can't Leave
May 22, 2022
NW Connecticut
Brown Flake Unscented 60%
Dark Flake #7 30%
Blending Perique 10%
couple of pinches of Black & Brown
Best Brown Flake 70%
Old Dark Fired 20%
Blending Perique 10%
couple pinches of Black & Brown
Aniseed Twist 60%
Amphora Kentucky 30%
Blending Perique 10%
couple pinches of Black & Brown

after mixing the best thing to do is ‘press’ it in a vice, leaving it for a week or longer if you can. Best to start off experimenting with small amounts, 10g or so & then go from there. Good luck & let us know what you come up with.👍
Your second recipe (70% Darker Virginias, 20% Kentucky, 10% Blending Perique) is exactly what I've been thinking of. As you noted, plan to make a small amount to start with, and then tweak from there as needed. I assume you use a noodle press for pressing? I plan to get one of those, or maybe just jerry-rig something as a trial. Also might stove in the oven for a bit, as has been recommended in other threads on this topic. Thanks!


Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
Thanks for sharing. I've been thinking something along the lines of 70% Virginia as a base, with various combinations of Perique and Kentucky making up the remaining 30% (probably a bit more heavier on the Kentucky -- say 20% to start -- with 10% Perique). Will likely give something in that range a shot as a baseline and see what results...
Yeah sky's the limit. I love perique and dfk heavy blends, but I also love them used as light seasoning in a predominantly VA blend, like in Old Gowrie for example. People used to swear up and down that it was a straight VA, but it ain't.

I don't mess with stoving or pressing or anything like that, I just mix it up in a bowl, put it in a jar and wait a week or so and the results are good enough for me. I'd suggest you do the same until you find some ratios you like, and then see what pressing or stoving will do and so on.

Yorktown is a nice, clean base but it's already double stoved.


Can't Leave
May 22, 2022
NW Connecticut
If you like Caporal and toscanos , chances are you'll like this. 60% D&R Ryback. 30% maduro cigar leaf. !0% virginia stoved. It is a fast burning blend so smoke it slow (like caporal).
No experience with Caporal and toscanos, but will keep the recommendation in mind -- thanks!


Can't Leave
May 22, 2022
NW Connecticut
Yeah sky's the limit. I love perique and dfk heavy blends, but I also love them used as light seasoning in a predominantly VA blend, like in Old Gowrie for example. People used to swear up and down that it was a straight VA, but it ain't.

I don't mess with stoving or pressing or anything like that, I just mix it up in a bowl, put it in a jar and wait a week or so and the results are good enough for me. I'd suggest you do the same until you find some ratios you like, and then see what pressing or stoving will do and so on.

Yorktown is a nice, clean base but it's already double stoved.
I love smoking MacBaren Old Dark Fired in the evenings, and have been gravitating more to blends with some dark fired kentucky component for my afternoon smokes (incl. Newminster 403 and Savinelli Doblone D'Oro--the latter also having a bit of Perique). Have recently been smoking alot of Rattray's Brown Clunee, which to my taste has a lot more Perique than Kentucky (haven't tried Old Gowrie yet). My original question was centered around trying to get a home blend that would get me close to Rattray's BC. Sounds from your post like the percentages of Kentucy and Perique in the Rattray's might be a bit less than I was thinking, but will play around over the coming months and see how close I can get...


Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
I love smoking MacBaren Old Dark Fired in the evenings, and have been gravitating more to blends with some dark fired kentucky component for my afternoon smokes (incl. Newminster 403 and Savinelli Doblone D'Oro--the latter also having a bit of Perique). Have recently been smoking alot of Rattray's Brown Clunee, which to my taste has a lot more Perique than Kentucky (haven't tried Old Gowrie yet). My original question was centered around trying to get a home blend that would get me close to Rattray's BC. Sounds from your post like the percentages of Kentucy and Perique in the Rattray's might be a bit less than I was thinking, but will play around over the coming months and see how close I can get...
I really have no idea what the proportions are in the Rattrays blends, but I've always felt they're pretty light on the condiments...the red VAs in those blends are really the star of the show. Old Dark Fired is like...238% dark fired. I love that stuff for the powerhouse it is. I think you'll have some fun coming up with a blend, let us know what you find!


Can't Leave
May 22, 2022
NW Connecticut
I've heard good things about Yorktown. Can you smoke that solo or does it bite?
A lot of people like Yorktown and do smoke it solo. I have tried it and didn't particularly care for it, but then again I'm not a big fan of straight VA's in general.

Just curious for your blend -- what Perique did you use? I have tried C&D's granulated Perique but not very much success in getting a mix that I liked. Plan to try some bulk ribbon-cut blending Perique at some point, but for now have kind of settled in on a basic blend of 70% VA (have used both McConnell Flake and Sutliff 507C Virginia slices) plus 30% added Kentucky (Mac Baren Old Dark Fired). No perique spice, but a nice full-tasting blend that's quick and simple to mix.


Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
I've heard good things about Yorktown. Can you smoke that solo or does it bite?
I absolutely love it, it's my all day, throw in a cob with fish slimy fingers, throw in a ziplock and keep it in the truck, stock by the pound blend. It can get bitey and rough, and it's not everyone's favorite. Some find it acrid, I don't know, I think they have their brains wired backwards.


Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
A lot of people like Yorktown and do smoke it solo. I have tried it and didn't particularly care for it, but then again I'm not a big fan of straight VA's in general.

Just curious for your blend -- what Perique did you use? I have tried C&D's granulated Perique but not very much success in getting a mix that I liked. Plan to try some bulk ribbon-cut blending Perique at some point, but for now have kind of settled in on a basic blend of 70% VA (have used both McConnell Flake and Sutliff 507C Virginia slices) plus 30% added Kentucky (Mac Baren Old Dark Fired). No perique spice, but a nice full-tasting blend that's quick and simple to mix.
I like C&D's long cut Perique, I guess because it's just what I could find. I used to buy the granulated to add to some cigarette tobacco back when I was hand rolling, and it worked great for that. I also use C&D dark fired ribbon.
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