The pipe arrived yesterday and the cat woke me up at 6 AM, so I refinished it and I'm enjoying it right now with some MM965. Curiously, it is not stamped 9242, but rather LW 2388. I can't find that shape number on any GBD reference. Perhaps it predates the 9242 shape? I don't think anyone is compiling information on Digby pipes, so I'll probably never know. At any rate, it is a stubby Rhodesian with a tapered stem. It seems heavier than my 9438's, but I haven't weighed it yet.
The pipe was in pretty decent shape. A few bowl dings, most of which came out with a hot knife and wet cloth. There were two tooth indentions on the top of the stem, but they came out nicely. There was a little oxidation around the button, but that was easily removed. The stem was polished with my usual 2000 wet, 4000>6000>8000>12000 micromesh than plastic polish. It shined up well and the stem fits very nicely.
I soaked the bowl with some sea salt and Everclear. The shank was very dirty, so I'm hoping the ghosts aren't too bad.