According to the records of the Virginia Historical Society, Larus & Brother Co., the manufacturer of Edgeworth Extra High Grade Sliced and Edgeworth Ready-Rubbed pipe-tobaccos, purchased Holiday, " of the first brands of aromatic smoking tobacco to be marketed nationally..." in 1942. Unfortunately I have been unable to ascertain from whom they purchased it.
Lane Limited's Holiday Excursion blend (renamed since British American Tobacco - successor to Rothmans, successor to Larus & Brother Co. - apparently owns the Holiday Pipe Mixture trademark) is a truly flavorful pipe-tobaco. According to it is comprised of Burley, Virginia, black Cavendish, Latakia, and Perique. Its taste is difficult to put into words, but exceptionally toothy, and I find that this mixture could easily be an all-day smoke.
I hope that this information is helpful.