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Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 14, 2012
If playing poker is a sport then pipe smoking can be a hobby. Sometimes I go a couple weeks without smoking a pipe. Ever hear of a cigarette smoker doing that? Maybe the people that only smoke cigarettes when they drink are hobby smokers? I guess if you track down exotic blends of tobacco, enjoy rolling your own, have drawers and cabinets and gadgets devoted to you cigarette smoking pleasure then it would be a hobby as well.



Oct 6, 2009
Although pipes are a hobby for me,smoking them has nothing-the way I see it- to do with that hobby. Smoking them is just my preferred nicotine delivery system. If I were to quit smoking pipes I would still have a hobby--making,restoring, refurbing,collecting and reading about them.



Can't Leave
Aug 1, 2013
must admit you guys gave me food for thought reading your posts - much more than if i had asked the question 50 years ago -

- before starting to read, lit up some of that discontinued mac baren burley london blend in my favorite boswell rhodesian ... relaxed happiness.
glad to have received so many responses. wont need to ask the question again.



Feb 21, 2013
Much of the non-smoking public would classify pipe smoking as an unhealthful habit. The hobby part

might refer to the collecting of the pipes and acquiring knowledge related to them and tobaccos.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
For me smoking a pipe is simply another way of delivering nicotine to my system. Albeit a most enjoyable and languid manner of getting my fix.
Hobby? Past-time? Avocation? Habit? All acceptable descriptions of the manner in which various members utilize their time and pipes. I have no abiding interest in the history of pipes, some do. All I want is a pipe that is well fitted and pleasing to use, I find that Peterson delivers what I want. So I am not searching for better, more expensive, or prettier. I have found a few blends that are fulfilling and am not on a search for different tastes, I like what I smoke and do not feel the need to search. I am not driven to fill my basement with assorted tobaccos or my racks with more pipes than I can possibly smoke.
I consider myself a pipe smoker, nothing more. I have a curiosity and a bit of admiration about those that collect certain brands or styles of pipes. I find these members very interesting and follow their posts closely.
Collectors of tobacco interest me in that I often wonder exactly what they are searching for or, is the simple amassing of tobaccos what stimulates them. Or, is it the search that fulfills the need?
I believe that many members may righteously consider themselves hobbyists. Others have become so consumed in their particular interest that one has to consider them as having an avocation as the interest seems to be a driving force in their lives. Or, perhaps is it more properly referred to as an addiction.
Some members write so that the impression is given that they are simply engaged in a pleasant manner of passing the time.
So, hobbyist? Some members certainly are, others are consumed in some specific interest involving pipes and tobacco, these folks treat their interest may be described as an avocation. Not a few members my be driven to simply acquire pipes, tobacco, tools, or other of the ephemera. Some to such an extent that it has ceased to be hobby and is now an internally driven compulsion.
Attempting to pigeon hole members through labels is a difficult proposition as many members see themselves as smokers and possibly enthusiasts. Others see their involvement as simply a hobby. Others have immersed themselves so deeply into some aspect of the pipe that they may properly be described as "driven."
So, basically it's how you see yourself, not how others perceive you that is important. I may see you as foolish for spending money on pipes that will remain unsmoked or tobaccos unopened. It's not what I think but the enjoyment you find in the search or acquisition of pipes, information, etc.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 26, 2013
Great Falls, VA
Wikipedia: A hobby is a regular activity that is done for pleasure, typically during one's leisure time. Hobbies can include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports or other amusements. By continually participating in a particular hobby, one can acquire substantial skill and knowledge in that area.
If cigarette smokers collected cigarette holders or lighters then I suppose they might be considered as part of their hobby. Mostly, it is an addiction. When I look at the little "nests" of pipes I have in my home office and my work bench in the basement, I think that even if I quite smoking, I have still had a hobby - not that I am considering THAT!

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