The clip is from the movie “the downfall,” (Die Untergang,) a German movie with English subtitles, based on the writings of Traudl Junge, Hitler's secretary. She was still alive when the film was made, and appears in a few clips throughout. The DVD has interviews with the various characters, including the director and the actor who played Hitler, both of whom are Jewish. Their goal was to present an accurate picture of what went on in the bunker in those final few days, rather than the caricatures that have been circulating for so many years. Frau Junge, The only surviving character states that this was quite accurate, and watching it, and listening to the German dialogue (I'm a native German speaker,) one sees him moving between reasonable discourse and lunacy, his physical ailments quite apparent. Even the English subtitles do it justice. Absolutely worthwhile watching for anyone who might be interested in what appears to be a very good window into a nearly lost episode in history. One lapse, though varying accounts of the suicide exist--Hitler committed suicide apparently by biting into a cyanide capsule, leaving instructions for Heinz Linge, his valet, to enter the room in 5 minutes to finish the job. Linge did so, two shots were heard, and he emerged white-faced saying: "I have just shot the Fuehrer.!" This coincides with the Russian autopsy report which states that shards of glass and cyanide crystals were found in the roof of his mouth. In his book, however, Linge states that Hitler shot himself, and then he entered the room, wrapped the bodies in blankets and removed them. This wouldn't jive with the autopsy report, but since lying, deception and self-serving was rampant on both sides, it's hard for us to weigh in accurately on one side or the other.
I would recommend the film for anyone wanting the best window into the scene--available on Netflix.
If one can leave aside the horror of the event, (and as you know, I'm a Rabbi,) this clip is a riot.