Welcome to the forums! Good to have you!
First order of business is to pick up a bag of seconds from Missouri Meerschaum. Second order of business is to purchase yourself a tin of Black Frigate and join the crew! Cap'n Embers is always looking for more crew to sail the Frigate. Think he's hoping to keep her sailing while he sits back with his bounty of Black Frigate on an island somewhere drinking rum. (Although he doesn't know it yet, but I swapped out his stash with Captain Black and cleaning fluid. So... Shhhhhh)
All kidding aside, whatever pipe you choose will serve you well, I'm sure. Just remember the most important thing is to dry your tobacco well before you stuff. If you buy Captain Black, it won't dry over the flames in hell, so get it dry as best you can and smoke it slow. You've entered into a new hobby that serves you best when you take it slow. Cobs are great for first timers, they're cheap, and if you screw it up, easily replaceable.