Well that speaks volumes. There is absolutely nothing about pipe smoking that goes with being in a hurry or not having patience. If at all possible, pipe smoking should be something you do in a relaxed state. That includes rubbing out or cutting the tobacco, packing the bowl and smoking it. Also, most of us have to relite several times so don't feel that reflects on your patience. The fact that you work so many hours and your always go go go I would guess should be a good excuse to slow down when it comes to smoking your pipe. This is your opportunity to NOT go go go. Just relax, make a cup of tea, brew a cup of coffee, or pour yourself a scotch, then sit down and carefully, slowly and methodically prepare your tobacco, let it dry appropriately (aeros require more drying time), pack your pipe nicely, light it, and set it down, take a sip of whatever, ponder your day, light it again maybe taking a few more draws, set it down, take another sip, light it again and smoke it slowly... sipping on it, while alternating with your drink. Pipe smoking is a period of tranquility, enjoyment.. a time to wind down and ponder a thing or two. That's my 2p worth.