The Internet is an incredibly powerful tool. It allows ANYONE to spread his or her content much farther and wider in an instant, than was conceivable in the days before the Internet and rise of A
ntisocial Media. My own presence is limited to this forum and an occasional comment on Linked In.
I will confess that I was the first to compare Professor Harrelson to Foghorn Leghorn, but please remember that I work for Warner Animation, have worked with Foggy, and was quite surprised to hear anyone else who sounded like him.
I will also confess that hearing Professor Harrelson complain about the severity of his obligation to complete the paperwork required to open an online business and go on to compare his situation to that of Patrick Henry by quoting him, didn't sit well. As far as I am aware, Professor Harrelson wasn't then, nor now, facing a firing squad for his beliefs.
The Internet allows him an instant worldwide bully pulpit. Such power can be used responsibly or not, and placing ones self on some portion of the world stage will naturally invite a lot of inspection, and possibly reaction, by others. Some may agree with Professor Harrelson and others may find him outlandish. Same is probably true for most of us. So it is natural that anyone sticking his or her head up above the log may invite the occasional volley of buckshot.
This doesn't even require being on the Internet. Just standing out from the crowd is enough to inspire some people to take a shot at you. Lord knows, I've had my share of it over the years, on occasions where I was hired in a supervising or directing position there was someone looking to take me down, either out of professional jealousy, or often in hopes of advancing their own career. It didn't work, and I didn't pay much attention to it, preferring to focus on fulfilling my commitments. It's just how some people are.
I do show some restraint in "public". For one thing, I never want to telegraph a punch, and often there are overriding considerations that outweigh my antipathy toward someone. I've worked with a lot of difficult people over the years. I just try to avoid having to repeat the same experience if possible.
Some people just have no filter and wonder why they don't go far in life. Others learn how to use that "bluntness" to successful effect. Some people really do admire a bully. I can't abide one.
Being out of striking range probably does give some people license to behave badly toward others for no more reason than that it gives them some personal satisfaction to do so. There are a lot of angry aggrieved people in the world. And, the Internet provides them with almost limitless instant access to spread their grievances, legitimate or not.