The SP series of pistols are quite the bargain. Bought one of the snubbies for a girlfriend many moons ago. Wish I would have kept it for myself.
I have lots of handguns. Each one suits a purpose. Some a very specific one, others a variety.
I tend to carry a Smith 642 a LOT, along with a Bianchi speed strip. Sometimes, it is a Charter Arms Bulldog Pug in .44 Spcl.
Bedside piece is a Smith Model 66-1 loaded with .38 Spcl "FBI Loads".
My "truck gun", which stays locked in a metal box inside the truck is the Model 66-2, snubbie, also loaded with FBI loads.
Got a Custom 1911 for traveling, a Beretta PX4 for when I want to carry over 50 rounds in the pistol and two mags.
Pistols are a lot like pipes. They all do one basic job, but it is nice to have a rack of them for specific blends or circumstances.
But, never forget the old adage that a pistol is only good for one thing. And that is to fight your way to your rifle. Handgun rounds are notoriously "un-deadly" in the dangerous moments of close combat. Mostly, they are good for getting someone off your ass long enough for you to get the hell out of dodge.