Hey all,
Recently thinned out my pipe collection, auctioning off some pipes I had that I wasn't a fan of. Want to use the money to buy a new pipe that will be primarily a Va/Per/ Straight VA pipe. I'm torn between getting my first Meerschaum or buying a nice Savinelli Roma. Love the aesthetics of both of them and am totally torn 50/50. The only thing that is leaning me a bit towards the meerschaum is that I have had trouble tasting my VA's recently and have heard that Meerschaums are great for VA blends as they tend to smoke a bit cooler. Are meerschaums really worth the hype? Bremen Pipe Smoker got me excited about them but not sure if they're really all that different from a briar (flavor from the tobacco-wise). Can you help me break the tie?
Recently thinned out my pipe collection, auctioning off some pipes I had that I wasn't a fan of. Want to use the money to buy a new pipe that will be primarily a Va/Per/ Straight VA pipe. I'm torn between getting my first Meerschaum or buying a nice Savinelli Roma. Love the aesthetics of both of them and am totally torn 50/50. The only thing that is leaning me a bit towards the meerschaum is that I have had trouble tasting my VA's recently and have heard that Meerschaums are great for VA blends as they tend to smoke a bit cooler. Are meerschaums really worth the hype? Bremen Pipe Smoker got me excited about them but not sure if they're really all that different from a briar (flavor from the tobacco-wise). Can you help me break the tie?