Help for a new pipe smoker

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Jul 8, 2018
I am a new pipe smoker and I am loving it! It is such a fun and addictive hobby. After my first few bowls in my first cob pipe I was hooked and buying all kinds of different blends, pipes, accessories, etc. I do struggle with a few things though and any pointers from you veteran pipesters would be much appreciated. My biggest problem is getting a good consistent pack that will smoke well through the whole bowl. Every now and then I will get a good pack but I can’t seem to be consistent with it. Also I am having trouble getting a cake to start forming. I would say my second biggest problem is smoking speed. I was a cigarette smoker years ago so I am used to smoking fast and I am having trouble slowing down. Did anyone else have this problem. If so how did you correct yourself and what is a good smoking pace?
Any help with any of these issues would be appreciated or any topics that you struggled with when you first started smoking a pipe would be helpful as well. I am already enjoying it so much and I am sure I will enjoy it even more once I get the kinks worked out.

Mar 30, 2014
Welcome aboard.
After packing the pipe, try giving it a few dry puffs before lighting. If it’s too tight then you can dump it and retry. If the pack is too loose, then you can tamp it down as your smoking. As with anything new, you’ll get the hang of it with a little practice.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Dry tobacco in a cigarette leads to a harsh smoke. Dry tobacco in a pipe works wonders for a flavorful, even burning and cool (to the tongue) smoke. Most tinned blends these days are packaged on the moist side, so dry it to the point that it won't clump when pinched -- but the leaf shouldn't be dried so much that it gets crunchy.
Don't sweat the problem of re-lights. Things will improve with practice.
The cake thing is way overblown. Lotsa guys work at keeping it to a minimum.
Beginner issues are addressed at:



Can't Leave
Mar 15, 2018
Trial and error works. I did it to find a perfect draw for me. But maybe real life help if you can find someone around to give you the rope. Just my 2 cents



Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Embers, have you heard of the Frank Method? :lol:
Wade, drying time of your tobacco is paramount to getting a nice, dry flavorful smoke. Drying time changes on the humidity or your area, and personal preference. I generally leave it to dry for about an hour. As for relights, a drier tobacco will stay lit better. Don't sweat the relights. It will come with time and practice.
The packing method I use, is a 3 pinch method. The first pinch in the bowl is packed down as though you are shaking a child's hand. The second one, a lady's hand. The third, a man. Then lastly, I twist the tobacco around a few times. I do a charring light, wait for that to go out, then a proper light.
Hope this helps you!



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
The building cake thing I liken to a teenager wanting his first whiskers to grow.....then spending the rest of his life shaving to remove them.
As they say, a watched kettle never boils so just carry on and smoke away....the cake will come when it's good and ready.
BTW, welcome to the forum.



Jul 8, 2018
Thank you all so much for the help. These are all great tips and videos! I smoked cigars in the past and always enjoyed them but smoking a pipe has been something completely different. It is very addictive and not just the tobacco. The whole culture and routine of it is just consuming. In a little over two months I’ve collected 12 pipes and so many different blends of tobacco I can hardly count them but every time I see a blend that looks interesting I can’t help but buy a little just to try it out. I just wish I had a few friends that smoked a pipe. It seems like it would be even more enjoyable if I had a few people to enjoy it with.



Jul 9, 2018
Hey, my friend.
I'm all too familiar with the whole cigarette thing. Aspects of those old habits can certainly carry over into your pipe smoking. I can't speak from experience as a former smoker (as much as I hate to admit), but as someone that does smoke cigarettes, I find that I ditch the whole philosophy of "carefully sipping" my pipe as soon as my bowl has been loaded with something low nic. It's a shame, because I like many aromatics blends, which tend to be lower in nicotine. It sounds like you beat the habit some time ago, however, so maybe you don't necessarily need a higher nic blend. Some folks just smoke faster. Not a problem so long as you have an extra pipe cleaner :)
When I first started piping roughly a year ago (yeah, I'm still a newbie), for whatever reason, I would brush the inside of my bowls with a pipe cleaner after each smoke. I never seemed to get a decent cake until I stopped doing that and just let the thing be.
Good luck!

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