G'day and welcome from Oz.
I'd also recommend an MM cob.
Good smokers for sure [I've got six MM cobs in regular rotation]
As advised, order an oz of different blends and genres.
Stored properly [an air tight jar or mylar bag] tobacco will keep for decades.
Tastes change over time so don't ever throw out what you might not like initially [It took me some time to get used to blends with Latakia for example, which is a strong flavoured leaf that has been dried and cured with smoke, that is best for my tastes when it does not dominate a blend - now I regularly smoke blends with Latakia]
As a newbie I recommend that you start off with milder blends with mild nicotine.
Happy to give some recommendations.
www.tobaccoreviews.com is an excellent resource to help one choose blends.
Check out JimInks reviews in-particular, especially for an accurate assessment of nicotine levels [seriously, there's blends that'd turn me green even after 12 years of smoking a pipe]
Although at first it might seem that there's much to learn, with experience smoking a pipe just gets better and better.
Don't be scared to ask any questions.
Members here are happy to help where they can.