Hi and welcome from Northamptonshire, I smoked Falcon's in early 70's, still have them but I mainly smoke Peterson's and Freehands now, glad your here. 

Jeremy Clarkson always made the Reliant Robin out to be a rather desirable vehicle on Top Gear.Ah yes, falcons.……like the Reliant Robins of the pipe world.
Hello & a welcome from Hereford.
Says the guy who just bought a Radice.Welcome from a fellow Falcon enthusiast! It's a wonder people choose anything else...
It's spelled "Radishy", and it's for funerals and weddings, when the raw sex appeal of a Falcon would be out of place.Says the guy who just bought a Radice.
It's spelled "Radishy", and it's for funerals and weddings, when the raw sex appeal of a Falcon would be out of place.
I wouldn’t pay much heed to what Jeremy says. Man’s a cock. In fact, as far as cocks go then Jeremy is probably the biggest cock……..in the world!
Welcome from SouthportHello! New to the forum but used it for information for a while, so decided to join. I smoke irregularly, mainly OTC British brand tobaccos, my go-to's being St Bruno and Gold Block. I am a massive fan of the Falcon Pipe range, the pipe that I remember uncles and neighbours smoking when I was a kid growing up in the 1970s. Now a bit more mature myself, I enjoy puffing on these engineering marvels in my shed! I only own one non-Falcon pipe and that is an Invicta as it was made in my birth town.
I live in Sussex, England.