You have an awesome pipe maker in your city.Hello all,
After drawing from the experience all over this forum I decided to join.
I am from Sofia, Bulgaria where as far as I know pipe smoking is not so common (at least I never saw a fellow pipe smoker in the wild).
I used to be a rolled cigarettes heavy smoker but am slowly moving to pipes (small pipes for 15-20min smoke really helped).
Back in 2021 I managed to completely switch to pipes but then Covid and taste change hit me and I quit pipes for some time and returned to cigarettes.
Now I'm slowly getting into the hobby again and really enjoying it.
The biggest problem I faced was packing and keeping the pipe lit for a reasonable time, but lately something just clicked and it is not an issue anymore (at least most of the time hehe),
Different tobacco blends availability and ban on international shipping is also a problem in Bulgaria but my main at the moment is MacBaren Classic Loose Cut, bought from airport Duty free shops and not locally unfortunately. Luckily I'm a contracting aircraft engineer and I travel a lot, so it is easy to resupply.
Pretty much that sums up my pipe smoking life.
I am happy to join the community and would be even happier to find some fellow pipe smokers in Sofia to meet for a relaxing smoke some day.
G.boyadjiev Pipes | GBpipes Handmade in Bulgaria G.Boyadjiev
Handmade smoking pipe | GBpipes Handmade in Bulgaria G.Boyadjiev