Hello and welcome to the Forum from Deep in the Heart of Texas. You will find this site to be informative and the members insightful (and at times, most entertaining). Enjoy your stay!I work with all men and most smoked cigars so I started on cigars. Still enjoy cigars-I like seeing reactions of men seeing me smoke cigars. My cigar coworkers have retired and the the current ones chew. Not happening. I remember my grandfather and dad smoking pipes and how good it smelled - even to a little girl. I don’t see women smoking tobacco pipes which is why I started. Really enjoy trying the different array of tobaccos. My dad was a gentleman farmer (he worked in Washington DC federal government) but we grew tobacco for a few years on a old tobacco farm my parents bought in southern md. Lived in town but parents worked on the property on weekends. As a 8 yr old it’s miserable growing tobacco. Dads office workers would come out and hang the tobacco for drying. We did get out of a day of school when the tobacco was auctioned in Upper Marlboro md. dad would say need Md tobacco for the cigarettes to burn evenly. Not sure if that was hogwash or true lol.