MSO Good evening sir, great to make your acquaintance. I've actually read a lot of your posts and am looking forward to hearing your opinion on a few of the Sasieni's that I've acquired for a mini documentary I'm working on

I will contact you shortly I hope you don't mind.
Hollywood is no city for walking indeed sir, nor Los Angeles as a whole. I lived for a moment in the LBC and used to take the blue line train into Hollywood to cover events. My camera bag weighs about 40-50lbs full and I got attacked once in Compton on the platform when I'd gotten off because I'd forgotten to activate my pass. A fella sucker punched me, right in the face at full wind up as I came around a pylon. I think he thought he was gonna be able to get my bag or something, he ended up running off. That never really put me off it though, if it was Compton in the 90s I would have gotten knifed so I look at it as an improvement.
However, there was one time, and this was in Hollywood. The train pulling up underneath the Pantages, I saw man that was the size of Shaquille O'neil pacing toward a tiny Asian woman with the countenance of murder in his eyes. Her face was bright red, I didn't see it but he had obviously just hit her in the face, this is literally happening as the train stops right outside my window seat. A man, not 5'5" tall tried to stand between the giant and the woman. I sighed out every bit of air in my lungs as I reached over for my hat and stood up.
The doors opened.
I'm not gonna lie I was more scared than I'd been in a long time but I'd rather it be me taking that beating than that little girl. Just then a small Latina sherrif's officer ran up to him and drew her side arm, "ON THE GROUND NOW."
He went straight down, arms out. 3 other officers swarmed, it was a beautiful thing. There's always political problems in LA but those beat cops pull some super hero moves sometimes.