Hi Chopper,
I've switched from fags to pipe three times before. The problem is that if I then stop smoking I've ended up going back to fags. The solution is clear, keep smoking the pipe.
The problem is that all it takes to fall off the wagon for many of us, is one cigarette.
Having a few drinks is a big trap.
After a few ciggies on a night out, the next morning one often craves a smoke with a hair of the dog.
Smoking a pipe in the same circumstance, satisfies the urge in the moment but doesn't trigger the need to continue the morning after.
But what ex-smoker has a pipe and tobacco handy when tempted when out socialising?
Although I initially intended to use a pipe as a stepping stone towards complete cessation, after several months without cigs my health had improved markedly [Despite being an inhaler, I lost my smokers cough for one thing] and I was enjoying it to the point where I figured that lifes too short to deny oneself of one of lifes simple pleasures.
The biggest difference for me was that I lost all cravings for a smoke.
Pipe smoking is a habit, not an addiction.
Interestingly, whenever I see a doctor or specialist and they ask "Are you still smoking?", when I respond "No, I now puff on a pipe.", I'm surprised that they recognise the difference. They have all responded positively.