Hello, and Please Don’t Judge Dunhill.

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Jul 8, 2020
Boston, Massachusetts
Welcome from Boston. Only you can answer the question posed and there is no wrong answer. I like my Dunhills. They are all well made, smoke well and look great. The buyer does pay a substantial premium for them and that is where the answer to the question lies for each pipe smoker. My experience has been that many of mine smoke much better than pipes in my collection made by well known artisans who also charge a premium...


Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 15, 2021
The Woodlands, TX
I saw someone blind test whiskey this week. It was actually a brand we are know of but since it was a blind test he approached it the true way, no marketing.

The whiskey, he said, hits all the buttons a whiskey should have and lacks anything off-putting. Nothing to write home about.

**That is how decent pipes are. A pipe needs to not be off putting for some reason. It does not have to turn mediocre tobacco into your favorite. It’s about not hitting negative boxes. The only positive boxes it needs to hit is is it comfortable and is the button appealing in the mouth.

Without the branding, I would assume my Dunhills are fine pipes, but they collect more dust than my pipes that cost less.

Joe H

Starting to Get Obsessed
May 22, 2024
Welcome from Alaska! Great to have you here and thanks for instigating an interesting discussion.

Just to add my .02 cents, I only rotate between 10 pipes and they all smoke fine. My pipes would have been called drug store pipes (Medico, Dr. Grabow, Kaywoodie and the like) back in the day. I only smoke outdoors and usually when I'm doing something (work chores, walking the dog, fishing in a canoe). In all cases for me, the circumstances under which I'm smoking, or the tobacco in use, have a predominant impact, rather than the pipe in question, on how that smoking session went.

On the rare occasion when I can just sit and enjoy a bowl, then those sessions always stand out as really great smokes - regardless of which pipe or tobacco was used. Again, thanks for joining!


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 2, 2023
Vancouver BC
Hello and welcome from BC, Canada

I have about a dozen Dunhill pipes, a mix of some estates and new(er) ones. I love my Dunhills, they are my favorite pipes, taken as a group by maker. I have found that if you look for deals, you can find estates for not too terrible prices and I have also got some deals by shopping internationally from UK, Germany, Italy and Denmark compared to USA/Canada. I'm not sure why the same pipes seem to be a good 15-20% more over on this side of the pond.
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May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
Welcome to the forum from KC!! No problem with Dunhills here though I've never owned one. Would kind of liked to have got birth-year Dunhill but I was born in 1947 say that kind of out that out the window. Don't worry about the naysayers just enjoy what you like.


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Welcome to the forum from the Center Of The Known Universe!

Ashland, Oregon

To Dunhill or not to Dunhill, that is the question.
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous prices, or to take arms against a sea of alternatives, And by opposing end them.

You want Dunhills, buy Dunhills. I’ve owned a number of them, enjoyed them, and moved on pipes I like better. Preference is personal.
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