Hej from Stockholm!

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Joe H

Starting to Get Obsessed
May 22, 2024
Welcome to the web site, Marcus! It's always nice to have people joining in from the northern part of the planet. Whatever blends you eventually favor, smoking a pipe can enhance so many activities. We'll be interested to hear about the pipe scene in Sweden
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Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
By chance I started watching "STHLM Blackout", original Swedish with English dubbed. [The female lead looks a bit like Cameron Diaz, which is irrelevant, indeed!]

One episode in. Is it worth continuing?
Welcome from the Pacific NW. Sounds like you're getting it figured out. And i agree...aros are most certainly not the place to start. Mild burley or English is the way to go. Aros and VAs are for a little further down the road with respect to comfort with packing and cadence development. Enjoy the ride! :)


Sep 9, 2024
South West Wales
Greetings from Wales! I would say I started on aromatics but of the more forgiving kind, there are blends that are much easier to work with and enjoyable to smoke (minus tongue bite!) You can't go wrong with an English.