I picked up a bulk H&H sampler earlier this year - 2 oz. each of six different blends. I've been working my way through them, and for the most part I've enjoyed them. I split the sampler between aromatics and English/Latakia blends: Berry Nice, Grandma's Kitchen, and Vermont Meat Candy (aros) , House of Lords, Victorian Stroll, and Daybreak (lats) .
I can't say I much care for the Berry Nice. It smells okay, but like so many aros, it tastes nothing like it smells. Grandma's Kitchen does better, and the flavor is more well-rounded, but Vermont Meat Candy is definitely my favorite of this trio - hints of maple and bacon show up in the flavor and the room note, and the tobacco smokes well.
The Englishes are a little harder to distinguish, at least to my relatively inexperienced palate. I definitely enjoy them all, but I think I like Daybreak the best of the three at this point. It's a little lighter, a good morning smoke. The other two are more in-your-face, but not quite at the level of Black House, which I also enjoy greatly. To use a Scotch analogy, Black House is like Laphroaig, while House of Lords is like Lagavulin... both good examples of the type, but preference will be a matter of one's taste.