Heard an Interesting Stat at the Pipe Club Meeting but I Don't Know If I Believe

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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 6, 2012
If most people say, "Hey your pipe smells good" then it's an aromatic. If it smells like a dessert it's an aromatic. If it tastes like shit it's an aromatic. If I enjoy the flavor and no one likes the smell then it's not an aromatic. :rofl:



Might Stick Around
Feb 3, 2013
I can believe the stat, because its based more upon reality of the market, than some of the slightly delusional smokers out there.

I don't smoke this or that for some reasons, but in reality when they explain what they are smoking and the features of the tobacco, they tend to smoke exactly what they claim not to.



Nov 24, 2012
If it tastes like shit it's an aromatic.
I dont get this. It may to you, but it doesnt to a lot of people like me. I have tried HH Mature Virginia and didnt care for it. Tonight I tried Navy Flake. Didnt care for it. Last night I tried Mississipi River, didnt care for. They didnt seem to have tatest to me other than bland smokey flavor. My aros on the other hand taste good to me.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
The late Craig Tarler of C&D once told me that 70% of all the tobacco they manufacture and sell is, in fact, aromatic blends! Keep in mind that "aromatic" is a "degree" of flavoring. All pipe tobacco is treated (cased and/or topped) with flavor to make it palatable. None of us are smoking "raw" tobacco blends or we would not need any Forum! However, his comment was, in fact, referring to what C&D labled as "aromatic tobacco" blends.




Jan 20, 2013
I smoke awful cherry / vanilla tobacco when the wife is nearby as the room note is tolerable, but the good tobacco's have to be smoked else where as the room note is awful (her words).



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 6, 2012
I dont get this. It may to you, but it doesnt to a lot of people like me. I have tried HH Mature Virginia and didnt care for it. Tonight I tried Navy Flake. Didnt care for it. Last night I tried Mississipi River, didnt care for. They didnt seem to have tatest to me other than bland smokey flavor. My aros on the other hand taste good to me.
There is a reason for emoticons. I used it to razz you like your pipe club buddies did.


Dec 3, 2011
Pleasanton, CA
zonomo, if you haven't tried SPC Plum Pudding, try it. It's better than Mississippi River.
It's a strange stat, because I've found that aromatics aren't always easier on the palette, for all their effort to do so.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2013
Haha, my son (he's 6) yelled at me for smoking Presbyterian Mix because it didn't smell as good as the aromatics which are the only things I'm usually allowed to smoke indoors. I cheated cause the wife wasn't home and I couldn't resist it. However, tomorrow... Tomorrow I get to try BLACK HOUSE! Very excited.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
I don't concern myself with what others think. If they want to put you down, even jokingly for enjoying an aromatic then that's their problem. Smoke the tobacco's you enjoy. Boswell's makes excellent tobacco and you should never be ashamed of what you're smoking; whether it be Carter Hall, 1Q, Dunhill Nightcap etc. Smoke what you like and just enjoy the pipe, the tobacco and the moment.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 17, 2010
I don't think the statistic as presented has much meaning, nor would it be easy to determine its accuracy in any real way. However, aromatic tobaccos, in general, outsell non-aromatics by a huge margin. Somewhere around 85% to 90% of tobacco produced and consumed in the US would be considered aromatic in the common perception of the word. Captain Black was, for many years, I don't know if it still is, the #1 selling tobacco in the world.
It's hard to model the figures into something meaningful. Aromatic smokers tend to consume more tobacco than non-aromatic smokers, which skews the analysis. My gut feeling is that if you include US pipesters who smoke both aromatic and non-aromatic tobaccos, the figure is probably closer to 90%, if not higher. Smokers of only aromatics would be somewhat lower.
In any case, exclusively non-aromatic smokers are in the minority. Les nailed it regarding self-selection in group dynamics. Enthusiasts, which would make up the majority of pipe club members (and forum members, for that matter) do not represent the population at large. Though it may seem strange to us, the majority of pipe smokers are just that. Even the readership of Pipes Magazine and its forum members, the largest population of its kind, represents only a single digit percentage of the overall pipe smoking community. We're just a bunch of weirdos.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Greg is totally correct in that we as a group are totally in the minority in comparison to the guys who smoke their Grabows and OTC's. It is the same thing in cigars, mass marketed machine made cigars out sell premium cigars by the millions.
My neighbor 3 houses down is the perfect example. He is over 70, has been smoking over 50 years. Buys 2 Grabows a year and smokes Captain Black Gold only. I gave him three blends that I enjoy and he did not like them at all. Guys like this represent the vast majority of pipe smokers. We are as Greg said the real "weirdos".



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 17, 2012
Suncoast Florida by the Beach
Most of my friends are not aro smokers, but rather, like English, Balkans, Virginias, Burleys, VApers and other like blends. A few are aromatic smokers - not many. I agree with Mike that aros usually bite the crap out of many of us and don't taste anything like they smell. Must admit - I do like being in the room when someone lights up a nice aromatic blend - room note is usually amazing. Too bad the taste is not the same.




Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
VaPer is a blend with Virginia and Perique where, normally, the Perique is forward in the flavor profile.

(I say "forward" because some Virginia blends rely on a small amount of Perique to mitigate the Va's sharpness, and those I wouldn't call a true VaPer.)
That "we" are the pipe smoking exceptions, and cob-suckin' OTC aromatic smokers are the rule suggests an

analogy with cheese enthusiasts. My guess is most of the U.S. eats processed cheese, not artisan cheese.
...and it's Lipton tea over Lapsang Souchong, etc.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 3, 2013
God Bless the Aro smoker for they give us all a good reputation.



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
When I light up at work (on the way out to smoke outside-can't smoke inside= NYC law) my staff 'loved' the smell of the aros.
Now that I'm smoking Va's and Va/pers and English lats, well, let's just say their noses go up, and they are not afraid to tell me "I don't like that smell-I like the other one"
What can I say? I certainly can understand their feelings. After all, aros like Capt Black etc have a great room note and they usually are crowd pleasers except to the anti-tobacco folks.
Just as Roth said, patience and study is the key. How many of us loved the first beer we had? The first strong whiskey? I'm not a wine drinker but I watch my wife and other friends study wines and taste them and discuss the vintage, the this and the that of the wine. That doesn't happen with the first glass.
Aros are great and for those who smoke them, God bless you.
I would think the last thing this forum should do is to make any member feel that what they smoke is 'inferior'.

I certainly don't get that as a general trend here. What I hear is different folks voicing their opinions on what they like and suggest others to try.

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