About six months ago I was into a B&M that I used to frequent when I lived closer to the city. They had a 1999 Stanwell Pipe of the Year. It was a nice shape and I hemmed and hawed about picking it up. It has been there for years. I mean since 1999. Well I finally decided the $160.00 price tag was worth it and to be honest it's not like they are still making them. Yesterday I found myself in the city and went into said pipe shop to bring that baby home and pick up a tin of Nightcap. Well the pipe was gone. And I was told that Nightcap will no longer be imported into Canada. Holy crap! So a lesson to you all. If you see it and want it, buy it. The wife would have been over it by now had I picked up the pipe six months ago with six tins of Nightcap and I would be sitting here smoking it and lamenting the weather. He Who Hesitates is Lost! :crying: