I used to at least browse aged tobacco for a few things I was interested in until maybe 2 years ago when prices jumped through the roof. $75 was at the max I’d potential pay for a ton of something, now when the same tins are $125-$150 asking price, I just stopped looking. Lost complete interest in the market and it had nothing to do with economics.
I hear ya, at times, I’ve been really bummed at prices, like the pipe world is all the rave now, the trendy bling thing going on, at least at times it feels this way.
Especially just to buy some tobacco or a pipe, and it turns in to a career, to be able to get what you like before it all sells out.
So many times, every site with certain blends or pipes is like a big Black Friday rush, if you’re not up early, or in line first, you’re always missing out.