Have You Had the Measles?

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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
The overwhelming majority of measles transmissions in the US can be tracked to citizens returning from overseas locations where measles is an ongoing problem.

Mexico clocks in with a 97% vaccination rate. It's extremely unlikely that the outbreak in Texas started south of the border. (The fact that there's no reported outbreak in Mexico would seem to support this.) But the bigger factor is that Gaines county children have a vaccination rate of less than 87%. That's why we have an outbreak rather than just a couple of cases.

Measles is just incredibly, wildly contantagius.

And I can remember being scared and my mother staying home from teaching school and not leaving me with my father. I was sick.

Down there in the Mennonite country of Texas there’s going to be a change in requirements for enrollment in the Mennonite schools.

When I took my brood out in public, they still laugh at how I’d tell them

You will be full blown little Mennonites until we get home, are we understood?

Let’s face it, nobody really loves your dogs or your children except you.:)
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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Had the measles, mumps, and chicken pox. Had vaccinations. Did the shingles shot. Take calcium, vitamin D3, fish oil, etc, etc, including Chanca Piedra at the advice of an ER doctor as a way to ward off kidney stones, since I'm a stone maker. Go to the gym 3 to 4 days a week, working on strengthening my legs by walking two days a week. Do physical therapy sets twice a day, 7 days a week.

All of this crap will probably kill me.

Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019

Parents who have been through about half this list might ask themselves how many is too many...

I sometimes wonder what on God's earth could have fooled me into giving my healthy baby 24 vaccines before he turned 2 years old.

And the pressure is intense... You'll be badgered by a doctor who hasn't even had the vaccine he's insisting that you comply with.

At the rate we're going it'll never stop...

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
The Missouri list required for schools:

Common vaccines

  • DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis
  • MMR: Measles, mumps, and rubella
  • Polio: Inactivated poliovirus (IPV)
  • Varicella: Protects against chickenpox
  • Hepatitis B: Protects against a serious liver infection
  • Meningococcal: Protects against meningitis
  • HPV: Human papillomavirus, which can lead to cervical cancer and other cancers
Missouri-specific requirements

  • Five doses of DTaP after age 4, and another dose before age 7
  • Four doses of polio, including one after age 4
  • Four doses of MMR, including one after age 4
  • Three doses of hepatitis B before kindergarten
  • Two doses of varicella, including one after age 4
  • One dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV) after age 10, and another after age 16

Remember Missouri is by far the most accommodating to cults, home schooling, corporal punishment, and sin, degradation, vices and just plain immoral or permissive behavior of every stripe than the rest of the free world. We are the Sin State.

For $50 you can incorporate your own brand new religion without a lawyer.:)

But even here, there’s no mandatory vaccines, except if you’d like the teachers to let your kids go to school.

We don’t have to exempt the Anababtists.

You can let your kids stay home from school here, no questions asked. No truant officers.

So if our General Assembly requires those shots, it’s because they all had em then their mothers are supposed to feed the little boogers ice cream.:)

I see where meningitis is on the list which I think is good.

That puts young people six feet under.
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Sep 17, 2023
I take 4,000 - 5,000 IU Vitamin D3 + K2 supplement daily over winter, haven't had so much as a sniffle while others have keeled over crocked. Essential for the immune system in us geezers.
I worked with a doctor who was associated with a lot of the Vit D research over the past years. She really sold everyone around her on this stuff. Its not a panacea but the understandings are really late in the medical game. Mostly becuase its not profitable for pharmacy companies to push something so cheap. I dont want to sound like a conspiracy nut becuase really they werent hiding the information, There was just no funding put into it.

Funny thing is that for decades the amount of vit D they said we needed was because it was the amount that would keep kids from getting rickets. When they mapped the human genome they found vit D receptors and it led to understanding that we benefit from much more.

Our skin created Vit D from the sun. Most of us work indoors and cover the vast majority of our skin with clothes so we cant generate the needed amounts. I dont know the current state of US insurance but in France medical insurance will pay for vid D supliments.


Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
My family consisted of 6 boys and one girl. The first 5 were all within 10 yrs of age and most closer. When one of us got sick, we all did. We lived in a small New England town served by 2 or 3 doctors. The one we had would come to the house. I remember when we got the measles. He came, and told us we were quarantined for ? I forget, 2 weeks?
We all had mump, chicken pox, measles and colds.
It took me 3 tries to get my smallpox vaccine to 'take' and the guy who finally managed it, pricked me several times with a needle in the left shoulder and I had an unusually large smallpox badge there.
I had the polio vaccine along with my classmates at school back around 1956? Grammar school anyway. I remember we had to go to the middle school gymnasium to get it and we had to cross the road to get there. The entire grammar school heading two by two down the path and across the road to get shots.
In my senior year of H.S. I got mononucleosis and missed a large portion of the school year. I don't think I ever 'made up' any work and I still graduated, after surviving alcohol poisoning from a pre-grad night sampling of the liquor supplies a day or two before. I've not been good to myself in hindsight.
Thank GOD for tobacco pipes!

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
As to this outbreak I have to commend Health Secretary RFK for advising the Texas community in Low German to vaccinate their kids.


The MMR vaccine is required for most children in the U.S. entering kindergarten in public schools, but Texas allows children to get exemptions from the requirement for religious or other conscience-related reasons. As a result, the percentage of children with exemptions in Texas has risen from 0.76 percent in 2014 to 2.32 percent in 2024, The Associated Press reported, citing state data.

In Gaines County, nearly 14 percent of schoolchildren opted out of at least one required vaccine in the 2023-24 school year, according to the AP. One school district was found to have a K-12 vaccine exemption rate of 47.95 percent.


The Anabaptists slowly modernize, not as fast as we English, but those Mennonite mothers down in Texas are making sure their children attend public schools.

And RFK knows those Mennonite mothers every one, read Low German.

It also means some good Christian mother talked one little Mennonite girl to attending college and getting her teaching certificate.

Have you ever heard the expression the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world?

I sat behind a law office desk for forty one years and I can testify that’s true.

But only because that same hand unhooks that hook on the back of her dress—or not.:)
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