It's funny how cans were considered the worst way to contain a beer, usually reserved for the worst beers for so long, and now "craft" beer folks are falling back to using them and sometimes charging like $12 or more. There is one beer at my favorite wine shop that sells for $6 a can. I tried one, and it still just tasted like horse piss to me. I just never developed a taste for it.
The word "Ale" comes from the old Norse for "a weak mead." But, I don't find any similarities in mead and beer.
If I may wax a little historical poetics... mead was the drink of choice world wide for longer than any other alcoholic beverage. Then when Christianity took hold of the Empire, domestic bees were all only kept by monasteries. Honey bees are not native world wide, especially in the US. So, mead was only made by monks. So, when the reformation happened, and monasteries were pillaged in Germany and England. Bee keeping died out, and they had nothing to get their buzzz on. The Germans invented drinks from nasty soaked grain water called beer, and the English developed the art of making ciders. And, I have no idea why us stupid Americans think cider is just apple juice.