Hey, just wondering whatever happened to the hot, hot, hot Anse Hatfield pipe from the made for television movie starring Kevin Costner as ol' Devil Anse. I and a zillion other pipe smokers loved the Hatfield pipe that Costner smoked with ease and grace. There was a pretty decent discussion on this board about the pipe. I don't mean to go over all that, I just wondered if anyone knows of Hatfield versions being made somewhere. I ordered a Boswell version, and to be honest, it is a tad small. I have smoked it and it smokes great, and those folks are nothing short of amazing to work with and order from. It's just the pipe is a little smallish. Maybe Costner's was too. I think Rad Davis, or somebody like that, was making his version, but I can't put that kind of do-re-mi into it. Just wonderin'