I think that unless you've had a lobotomy, there is going to be some area of the pipes being offered out there, that just don't appeal to you. You can't have a favorite widget, without there being a hated widget; whatever the widget is.
Despite my own past issues with these pipes and QC, I just don't like the looks of them. But, I also don't like the looks of minivans, *girls with fat legs, or pork pie hats. However, some guys love these things. Good for them. But, to spend so much energy trying to get other guys to hate them baffles me. I've seen so many of these type threads over the years.
And, it's only Petersons that seem to draw out this much rage and passion. I can't think of any other pipe that drives men crazy that someone else thinks they are... attractive pipes. :::cough cough::: So, it should say something about Peterson that so many men love them, and so many men are disgusted that other men love them.
But hey, shouldn't we all be thankful for the guys who take all of the *ugly women off the singles list? Getting them off the market. That is one less ugly thing to get distorted and tempted by once you put on the beer goggles.
*And, my apologies to all of the fat legged, ugly women and minivans out there for comparing you to Petersons. :
