saint007, it is a holiday. However, I'm not in Mobile. The societies stretch from Mobile up to Montgomery. It's not a fun brawl of a thing as in New Orleans. I prefer the New Orleans version, or I did when I was younger and lived there. Alabama likes to taunt that they have the oldest Mardis Gras, but it is more formal and reserved. New Orleans' is for the working man; Mobile's celebration is more formal and probably more decadent in a quiet, sliding upstairs kind of way. No one makes a show of it, but the older "rites" of the tradition still abound.
Me? There's a place down the road that will have some Zydeco playing tonight. I've grown to the age when being around people drinking alcohol just doesn't appeal to me as much anymore. I'll smoke my pipe, listen to music, and maybe dance a little. :wink: