Thanks gang!
Much appreciated. The day has been a good one so far. I woke up to some wonderful birthday sentiment from friends on facebook. I then treated myself to a new pipe (a Black Sea Star from Ygrek Pipes) had a surprise birthday party thrown for me at lunch with my colleagues; and get to go home to my wonderful wife and dinner out at our favourite restaurant.
Truly, thanks for the well wishes. You all have made the last year a great one. I'm looking forward to my 40s here with you all.
-- Pat
Happy birthday Pat. I can remember when I turned 40, dimly, but I can. Hope you had a great day and a great year ahead. But as I'm sure some have already told you, it's all down hill from here :nana:
Happy Birthday Pat!
40, eh? How does it feel, do things change once the clock hits midnight? As a young, spry 39 year old, I'm a little concerned with any changes in physical well being and temperament that 40 will bring. I'm already arguing about sandwiches on a different thread (hamburgers are sandwiches, by the way), and hoping it's not a sign of things to come...
Have a great evening!