Since college, I've lived in condos and apartments, all places where mostly singles resided. As such, there was never any trick or treating or holiday decorations to speak of. In my new neighborhood, something undisclosed to me at time of purchase, they take holiday decorating quite seriously. It's one of "those neighborhoods" where others come to see and walk through. I was told by my new neighbor to stock up on candy because kids come from all around. As a kid I remember to this day which houses in my neighborhood were dark on Halloween, meaning don't come here. I don't want to be that guy and so ill join in. I went to Lowe's and Walgreens today and left empty handed... I didn't want the ubiquitous random lights and inflatables. I want a theme of some sort, something cohesive. And there you have it, the full and complete extent of my ideas. Anyone an expert in Halloween decorations? I'm quite poor at the moment so animatronics and live performers are out. For lack of much goings ons, I'd like to make a good first impression. This will be the first occasion to meet my neighbors and don't want to be the guy who didn't try. Thoughts, opinions, or ideas? I do like the idea of going full on darkness vs hokey conservative.