I just got a goodly selection of H&H tobaccos to try out, thanks to P&C's Dunhill deal o the month. The ones I decided to get for samples I got two tins each.
Today I decided to crack a tin of Grandmas Kitchen.
The tin description reads:
Nutty Burleys combine with spicy Red Virginia, Black Cavendish, and Black Vanilla to deliver a pleasant, sweet and unobtrusive aroma.
Three bowls in...
The tin note was rich and more than a little reminiscent of walking into a large walk in humidor. I didn't really pick up a lot of nut or vanilla scent.
The tobacco itself is made up mostly of the darker tobaccos, very nicely textured and the lighter bits gave it a nice visual appeal.
I went with a cob for tasting MM Legend as per usual
It was ready to go right out of the tin. I'm used to not having to fiddle with drying out hearth and home blends, and I love them for that.
The first charring light gave me a little sweetness and vanilla flavor, though that may have been my brain telling what I thought I expected, as I did not notice it on subsequent bowls.
Light Tamp
Light her up
The Red Virginia is the subtlest note I can find in this, maybe my batch didn't have any cavendish or vanilla...or maybe my tongue is just not sensitive enough. The Burley and Virginia both show up, giving it a rich mild to medium bodied cigar like flavor it's smooth but more of a just classic tobacco smooth than I was expecting.
As to the room note, I live alone except for the cats, so my nose is the only one in on it. It still carries that spicy virginia, but it's mostly just a tobacco scent. Don't get me wrong, it's a pleasant tobacco scent, but again not what I expected given the name and tin description.
All in all, while in an unexpected way, I did enjoy the blend. It may be Grandma's kitchen, but she's visiting the kids and it's Grandpa's poker night.
I have a feeling it will get even better with age and will probably set the second tin back for just that purpose. As to the first tin I will be revisiting it soon as other of Russ' blends I've tried do tend to improve with a bit of time in an open tin.