Actually, Trailboss, Obamacare is the biggest boon in the history of private healthcare. Obamacare was initially supposed to be a government-run health plan like those in Europe (with an American twist or two), but the Republicans, corporate-leanings Dems and insurance companies threw literally everything they had into keeping that from coming into existence. The horrible abortion called Obamacare is the result, in which we are all forced to buy private insurance and pay whatever they want (and there are few restrictions on what they can charge, eventually).
A health plan like Europe would have actually solved this problem for us. We would have health insurance as smokers, period. Notice how very anti-tobacco the EU and Britain are? Yet they don't discriminate against smokers, drinkers, the obese, etc. Why? Because health care is considered a right and the government cannot legally take that right away from you. If we followed their model, we'd actually have guaranteed coverage just like everyone in every other developed country has. But we didn't want that, I guess, so now we face health care rationing based on our income and whether or not we are wiling to conform to whatever the insurance companies determine will make them the highest profits.
I don't believe, however, that we will ever have a sane, European system in our country. The bottom line is our government is too corrupt and is now effectively owned outright by Big Business. There are too many billionaires who make their money by rationing health care benefits to those who are wealthiest and/or those they can control (employees). I find it terribly ironic that all those folks who were screaming about how they would lose their freedom or face "rationing" or something ludicrous like that by having a government health care program have effectively removed any chance they will ever have for freedom, medical care, or any number of other important things. It just sucks they've taken them away from the rest of us, too.