Gurgling Bjarnes!

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Might Stick Around
Apr 3, 2012
Can anyone with any experience regarding Bjarne pipes from the Viking line possibly help me out? I've only been smoking for a little over 4 years, and until recently (X-Mas 2011) the closest B&M was over 140 miles away so I was pretty much, 100% on my own. As far as finding a good blend(s), a helpful tip and advice of any kind, I was at the mercy of chance. Anyhow, I finally feel that after much trial an error, I'm on the right track but, 5 months ago I picked up my first Bjarne pipe an I loved it except for that after about a 1/4 of the bowl it starts to gurgle. It was long ago that I realized aromatics smoke so much more wet an hot than Balkan/Latakia blends and just non-aromatic blends in general, so my first Bjarne was used mostly for smoking Dunhill EMP. I don't have awhole lot of experience with blends like this but out of the 5-7 that I have tried an have easy access to, I must say that I really enjoy them. Since I liked the Bjarne so much an everyone that I talked to let me know that, for the money, a Bjarne is a VERY well made pipe, I decided to buy 2 more. The latest one is a rusticated bent Dublin with the nickel bands on the shank and the stem, an while it is a beautiful pipe, it doesn't matter what you smoke in it, it gurgles BAD after no more than 5 or 6 good draws off of it after the bowl is good an lit. A few people have suggested that the stem needs to be drilled out alittle, an some have said that I'm loading it wrong an that seems reasonable but in over 4 years of smoking I've never had a pipe do this as bad as my Bjarnes. I bought all 3 brand new and the Dublin is the is a full bend. I really like the look an feel of the pipe an I would like even more to get to smoke it but it's such a hassle. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! -Cole



Feb 20, 2011
Richmond, BC
It's either technique (most likely) or the engineering of your pipes. How well do the mortise and tenon fit? How well is the draft hole drilled? Do you use pipe-cleaners during your smoke to soak up the nasty?



Might Stick Around
Apr 3, 2012
The pipes fit together snug, a pipecleaner can easily be passed from the mouthpiece to the bowl. The draft hole is in the proper place, it's dead center in the bowl an it's about one hair above the lowest spot in the bowl. I just can't see technique being it because none of my other pipes have this problem, only the 3 Bjarnes. An the most recent one I bought starts to gurgle after about 5 or 6 pulls off the bowl. All three of them are really good looking pipes, they feel good, they've got the perfect weight, everything except

The gurgling



Jan 16, 2012
Eatonville, WA
Does the draft hole open int to the chamber just at the bottom of the chamber or is it a little higher? If it is higher you may want to consider bringing the level up with pipe mud. Also try sipping the pipe. I have a few bowls that taper to a piont that have the gurgle no matter what I do, butif I sip it very slow then I get no gurgle.
Something else is check the depth of the tennon. Often the tennon is short and creats a small chamber where the moisture collects. try tipping the pipe so the moisture goes in the draft hole. I had a Peterson that did that.
Also as the cake builds it is possible that the gurgle will go away. Keep puffing bro.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I have a Bjarne Free Form and it does occasionally gurgle.

But, I find that it's probably just tobacco that is bit too damp.

Just try a couple of things...

First, dry your tobacco a bit before you smoke it.

Secondly, you might try DGT... Pack the pipe at least an hour before you plan to smoke it.

Over night isn't too long either.

Delayed Gratification Technique can be very rewarding.



Mar 22, 2011
Just to be clear, are these Bjarne or Viking pipes? A Bjarne will have a BJ logo on the stem and will be marked HAND MADE IN DENMARK on the shank. As far as I know they haven't been made since Bjarne Nielsen died a few years ago.
Vikings have the viking helmet logo and are lower end, factory made pipes. Decent value for the money but not the same thing as actual Bjarne pipes.



Jun 2, 2010
I have a Bjarne Viking that also has a tendency to gurgle. I can assure you that it is not my packing technique or the moisture level of the tobacco being smoked in said pipe. I am convinced that the draft hole needs to be opened up a bit as it is a very narrow diameter and draws a little tight even with no tobacco in it. I don't think it's you, I just think that these are lower end pipes that suffer a few engineering flaws in the name of lower prices. Anyone here good at opening up pipes?



Nov 26, 2011
Nova Scotia, Canada
Yes, sometimes a pipe just wants to gurgle. I have 5 diff size Dremils. A quick couple of turns on the draught hole on a gurgling pipe usually solves it for good. 2 minute fix mate!



Jun 2, 2011
Interestingly, I just acquired a Bjarne Viking from our very own Paul. I'm overall quite happy with it, but I do get a fair amount of gurgling out of it. Enough so that it stuck out at me compared to many other pipes I own. I just used the flick technique to clear it, but it required me to clear far more than I've ever had to on any other pipe.



Might Stick Around
Apr 3, 2012
Thanks for all the advice everyone! Since I have 3 of these, 1 being a real deal Bjarne and the other 2 being Viking classics, most everyones suggestions worked on at least one of the pipes. It's nice not to have to make a special trip to the B&M if I have a question. Again, thanks guys



Might Stick Around
Feb 7, 2012
I smoke Anniversary. It's an English, with a very light topping. It is, however, moist from the tin. I have an "active" mouth; that is, my salivary glands work when I smoke. I smoke slow, essentially sipping, and I use a cleaner whenever I tamp. These days, I rarely have a problem with gurgling, even on a couple pipes that have less than perfect engineering.
Smoke slow, tamp often, generously use cleaners :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 7, 2012
what i learned to pass this is sticking one pipe cleaner from the stem and give it two or more twist which will absorb the moister and stop the gurgle to let you enjoy the rest of the bowel till the end without problems (its work fine with all my pipes)

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