Grrrr, my wife found my PAD, TAD stash.

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Feb 11, 2012
My late wife and I always knew what was going on in all areas of finance, purchases, etc. Our marriage was a true partnership with a lot of give and take.
We agreed that any purchase $20 or less was entirely discretionary and private. We loved each other too much to play concealing games or to fib or lie to each other. She really never denied me anything I wanted, and as a result, I wanted very little.
My feeling is that respect is the real issue. Treat your spouse, lover, girlfriend, boyfriend, or whatever the same way you want to be treated. It all works out for the best and insures domestic tranquility.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2010
Church of the FSM is an actual thing: CFSM adherents are called Pastafarians.
It's a humorous approach to atheism -- and they have nifty t-shirts. Certainly a more fun sort than Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins. (And people say church folks are overbearing and dull. Yeesh. (Although, I admit, Hitchens is a little less pedantic now that he is dead. (Oooh. Too soon?)))
I would have hardly called Hitch "dull". Pedantic? Maybe. Dull? Never.
It's a shame he won't be at the Reason Rally in March. I met him briefly at a talk given by Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson at Howard University last year (got them both to sign books for me. Score!), as the cancer really started to affect him physically. I'll tell you, he was still mentally as sharp as ever.
As for FSM, it started off being against bad science (correlation equaling causation; post hoc ergo procter hoc fallacies, Intelligent Design, etc.) and because bad science is usually found being espoused by the religious (The earth is only 6K years old, fossils are a trick being played by Satan, etc.), the Flying Spaghetti Monster naturally ended up being on the side of reality. That is, atheism.
It shouldn't have had to even come to that, though. Religious institutions, while they've had their problems with science, have also been the providers of the environments of knowledge for many hundreds of years. Catholic schools have produced many great advances in real science. Muslims were leaders in the field for many centuries (look at all the words they gave us: algorithm, algebra, etc.). It's a shame that a few American churches, however, have embraced their ignorance of the way the world really works and have dug their heels in on things like the age of the earth and coexistence of man and dinosaurs (or worse, that dinosaurs weren't even real). For many people, science and religion can be what are called "non-overlapping magisteria", and can coexist together without any trouble (provided you don't dig too deep into either one of them).
That being said, it's a crappy thing to do to hide money from someone you call your wife.



Feb 17, 2012
Wives find everything. They have no sense of privacy, of what doesn’t belong to them. If you are naturally open, and have no secrets, that’s fine; but if being secretive is in your nature, if you have no dirty secrets but are a bit of a loner and keep to yourself despite being married, if you have harmless hobbies that you don’t like to share –then your wife will find out and descend from the sky like a winged harpy and turn you into the monster you are not. “A man’s house is his castle” –ha! It’s his wife’s palace. Misogynistic? Nope, misanthropist in a general way.



Can't Leave
Jan 3, 2011
@ Jaysin: Way back at the beginning of this thread you listed three items to consider with the last being "invoke man laws". Could you please PM a list for my future reference.

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