Small bowls, what are they for? Compact and pocket pipes have been addressed on another thread, and I'm not
asking about them; some have tiny bowls but most have as large a bowl as the small pipe will accommodate, and
a short shank and stem. But Group 1, very small bowls, come on all lengths of pipes including churchwardens.
Missouri Meerschaum makes the Mizzou, a cob with a very small bowl, maybe Group 1, Group 2 at the most.
I just can't quite get the notion of what this really small quantity of tobacco would do for anyone. Even some
of my Group 3 pipes need just the right type and cut of tobacco to give a satisfying smoke that isn't over in
minutes. Even a prolonged smoke in a Group 1 couldn't last more than a few minutes, just about the time it
takes to settle down and start understanding the tobacco. But these pipes are regularly made and sold in
quantities. Who smokes a Group 1 or 2, and how does that work?
asking about them; some have tiny bowls but most have as large a bowl as the small pipe will accommodate, and
a short shank and stem. But Group 1, very small bowls, come on all lengths of pipes including churchwardens.
Missouri Meerschaum makes the Mizzou, a cob with a very small bowl, maybe Group 1, Group 2 at the most.
I just can't quite get the notion of what this really small quantity of tobacco would do for anyone. Even some
of my Group 3 pipes need just the right type and cut of tobacco to give a satisfying smoke that isn't over in
minutes. Even a prolonged smoke in a Group 1 couldn't last more than a few minutes, just about the time it
takes to settle down and start understanding the tobacco. But these pipes are regularly made and sold in
quantities. Who smokes a Group 1 or 2, and how does that work?