Welcome from PA.
Nightcap is good, but I would venture out and try other English blends. There are so many out there and most are good or fantastic. In terms of English blends, 2 of my favorites are GLP Quiet Nights and C&D Pirate Kake. For the latter, you best love latakia, because it's around 75% latakia. Also, keep an eye on all the sites, P&C, SP, TP, etc... because they all usually run some kind of weekly sales.
As you go along your journey, you will eventually come across all the powerhouse B&Ms around the country that have their own amazing blends. If you haven't yet, and if you spend time on here, you will hear, Boswell's, LJ Peretti, The Country Squire, Watch City Cigar and Iwan Ries, just to name a few. Give them a look, but don't let yourself get too overwhelmed by all the different blends.
If you prefer to stick to bulk tobaccos, you can't go wrong with Sutliff and Peter Stokkebye. Most of their offerings, you can pick up a pound between $30-65. And fyi, Sutliff bulk is on sale at SP this week, until 12/25.