Hello all,
Antoine, 54, coming from France. I began smoking the pipe when I was 20 or so, and stopped after few years. Rebegan in 1998, then stopped in 2008. And rerebegan a few days ago. But during these last smoking vacations, I continued to take care of my numerous smokers, and my cellared tins (± 600). I'm currently sipping a 2007 McClelland Grand Orientals Classic Samsun in a Bauer meerschaum (and it's great!).
I teach architecture, have a German girlfriend, a female cat named Patafix, and a Harley Fatboy.
I interest in nose flutes history and collecting them (yes!), I love teas, play some music (uke, oud, baglamas, guitar).
I'm glad to join your group and thank you for your welcome
Antoine, 54, coming from France. I began smoking the pipe when I was 20 or so, and stopped after few years. Rebegan in 1998, then stopped in 2008. And rerebegan a few days ago. But during these last smoking vacations, I continued to take care of my numerous smokers, and my cellared tins (± 600). I'm currently sipping a 2007 McClelland Grand Orientals Classic Samsun in a Bauer meerschaum (and it's great!).
I teach architecture, have a German girlfriend, a female cat named Patafix, and a Harley Fatboy.
I interest in nose flutes history and collecting them (yes!), I love teas, play some music (uke, oud, baglamas, guitar).
I'm glad to join your group and thank you for your welcome