I know I am late to this party but maybe you should tell your physician. I had some serious blood pressure issues and took them seriously and part of my plan to get into better health was to have a daily pipe or two with a walk to make sure I get exercise. I let them in on that plan and their reaction was that my numbers improved enough that it clearly wasn't bad.Hello there! I've been a long time lurker. Thought long and hard about making myself known, but I figured what the heck...
Been a pipe smoker off and on for <mumble> years. Just quit the coffin nails recently, and am doing more pipe and cigar smoking (don't tell my physician)l
At least you get that. I have worked with I.T. and support people who complain that people don't know what they're doing. Like yeah that's why you have a job. That's like me hoping people would learn how easy it is to clean.I'm a principal support engineer for a large tech company, which means I tell people they don't know what they're doing (otherwise they wouldn't be contacting me)
and I have been accused of being a PITA. I wear that proudly, just so you know.
In any event, I'm glad to be here (though you may not be!) and hope to contribute and learn from you all.