Jim Knowlton here struggling to get through a winter of mid 80s temps. Newly retired library administator and part-time professor but life-long pipe tobacco lover since a toddler playing in my Mennonite grandfather's pouches and cans. Only a practitioner for this most graceful art and pastime for 16 years, I started smoking a pipe back up in Massachusetts at the suggestion of a doctor as a cure for migraines, and the Old Firehouse Smoke Shop in Fall River was my home base with L.J. Peretti in Boston as my "temple." Was a member of the Sherlock Holmes Pipe Club until I moved to Vermont in 2009 eventually exiled in 2012 to Florida - where I can't find many pipe smokers, clubs, etc. in my area (I'm four hours from Tampa). I have a lousy palate and I love reading tobcco reviews and, yes, Jiminks is my hero. Tobacco-wise I love Virginias (Rattray, SG), the occasional English and Balkan, and well-done aromatics (Reiner, Rattray's Bagpiper's Dream). Pipes? Well, the club got me collecting when I started smoking but I stopped 11 years ago and sold off almost everything (17 Dunhills, S. Bang, etc. - just what a guy with no palate should smoke). I have been down these last years to 2 Autographs (1 with busted tenon), 1 Giubileo d'oro, 5 Nachwalters, and for garage/yard pipes a Burak tankard size 2, a Wilke long stem billiard size 3 (busted tenon), and a Charatan poker size 4. That is until two months ago when I found a shoe box misplaced in 2006 and assumed lost over several interstate moves - with 15 Upshalls/Tilsheads (many with Otto Braun wood) of all sizes/shapes which were the pipes I like most. Anyway, now that I've found Pipes Magazine I feel like I'm reconnected with the pipe congregation. Peace to All.