Oh, and when do I eat them? I have 15 g of potato in the morning, often with 1/2 a tomato. Goes well with my eggs and coffee.
I have at least 2 c of vegetables in my curry at lunch. I have another min. 2 c of vegetables at supper. If for some reason I get hungry (I usually avoid disturbing my "hunger cues" outside of timed snacks), I will eat cucumber or some celery. But usually I stick it out, swinging from hunger cue to hunger cue. Routine.
I didn't invent this for myself. It's part of a lifestyle change I enrolled in started by the hospital system here: Profile by Sanford.
I had been an insulin-dependent, insulin-resistant Type II diabetic for more than a decade. I had a Medtronic pump pushing in 170 units a day, usually without enough effect. A1Cs stayed up at 10+. (For those who are unfamiliar, non-diabetic "normal" range is 4.0 - 6.0).
In May my dosage was so low that I turned my pump off. My A1Cs are around 5.5 (the one in May and the one before that). I am not on any insulin nor any drugs, such as Metformin. None. Just my vegetable-based diet and my fitness routine. I test daily and manage to stay at BGLs of high 90s, low 100s, since my carbs are so controlled in portion size and frequency that I eat them (six times a day).
Considering that I have hearing damage, kidney damage, and can't feel the soles of my feet except for the diabetic burning (constant), this is a HUGE difference, to be this controlled now.
Current weight is 225, and I'm going to stick between that and 220. I could go lower than that, I think, but people are saying I'm too thin-looking now. Me, I feel fine! (6' 3", large-framed Slavic/German body, big shoulders, 47" chest ... so 225... not bad, I think). Went from size 48/50 pants down to 34. I don't think my hip bones are going to let me go lower than that. I'm switching to a maintenance routine (from my reduction routine).
I was obese since birth. I am now 50 lb lighter and three pant sizes smaller than when I was 18 (I graduated weight about 280). My family has never seen me this fit. I could not have imagined it. I didn't think this was possible.
Eat chur veggies, fellas! They really are that good for you!