Folks just a short note to let you all know how much I have enjoyed this site since joining.
Although I haven't been here very long compared to most of you, I feel like I have been made welcome, encouraged to share opinions and thoughts, received valuable info, and enjoyed the great sense of humour shown in the forums.
We can all learn from each other and this group not only knowledgeable but approachable as well.
As recently there have been some not so happy post made, I felt it was important to make a positive statement here.
Although I haven't been here very long compared to most of you, I feel like I have been made welcome, encouraged to share opinions and thoughts, received valuable info, and enjoyed the great sense of humour shown in the forums.
We can all learn from each other and this group not only knowledgeable but approachable as well.
As recently there have been some not so happy post made, I felt it was important to make a positive statement here.